Bang Disposable Orange Soda: The XXL Edition

For years, energy drink companies have been engaged in a constant arms race to deliver ever-more potent products to an increasingly jaded market. But one company has taken things to a whole new level with their latest offering: Bang Disposable Orange Soda. This monstrosity of an energy drink clocks in at a whopping 24 ounces, twice the size of a standard energy drink can. But is bigger necessarily better? Let's find out. 

The first thing you notice about Bang Disposable Orange Soda is the sheer size of the can. It's absolutely massive, easily twice the size of a standard energy drink can. But does this extra volume make for a more effective energy drink? The short answer is no. In fact, according to one study, it may even make the drink less effective. 

The study, conducted by Dr. John Hopkins, found that drinkers of Bang Disposable Orange Soda experienced no more of a boost in energy levels than those who drank a standard 12-ounce can of the same beverage. What's more, the larger size of the can led to increased levels of environment-related dehydration, as participants failed to consume enough water to offset the diuretic effects of the caffeine and sugar in the drink. 

So if you're looking for a bigger energy boost, you're better off sticking with a standard-sized can of your favorite beverage. And if you're looking to avoid dehydrating yourself, you might want to steer clear of Bang Disposable Orange Soda altogether. 


Bang Disposable Orange Soda is one of the biggest energy drinks on the market – but that doesn't necessarily make it one of the best. In fact, according to one study, the XL size may actually make the drink less effective and more likely to cause dehydration. So if you're looking for an energy boost, stick with a regular-sized can – or better yet, reach for some water instead.


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