Why Does My Vape Crackle?

You were minding your own business, taking a few clouds in between classes when you noticed it. A crackling noise emanates from your device with each puff. It's not terribly loud, but it's noticeable enough to be concerning. What's going on? Is your vape broken? Is it going to explode? Not to worry, we'll help you get to the bottom of this mystery. 

Possible Causes of Cracking Noises in Your Vape 

Before we go any further, it's important to note that a certain amount of crackling and popping is perfectly normal—especially when using an atomizer for the first time. But if the noise is excessive or if it continues even after you've been vaping for a while, there could be an issue. With that being said, here are a few potential causes of cracking noises in your vape: 

Dry Hits 

Dry hits are one of the most common causes of cracking noises (and they're also one of the most unpleasant). They occur when the cotton in your atomizer becomes too dry, causing it to burn and producing a nasty burnt taste. In some cases, you may also see residue building up on your coils. To avoid dry hits, be sure to keep your cotton soaked at all times—and if you start getting them frequently, try increasing the size of your wicks. 

Loose battery 

Another possible cause of cracking noises is a loose battery. If the batteries in your device aren't properly secured, they can rattle around and make all sorts of weird sounds—crackling included. To fix this problem, simply make sure that your batteries are inserted correctly and that they're screwed in tightly. 

High VG e-liquid 

E-liquids that are high in the vegetable glycerin (VG) tend to be thicker and more viscous than those with higher propylene glycol (PG) content. As a result, they don't wick as quickly and can cause your coils to gunk up more easily. This can lead to all sorts of problems—including cracking noises—so if you're having issues with a high VG e-liquid, try switching to something with a lower VG content.  


If you're hearing strange cracking noises coming from your vape, don't panic! In most cases, it's nothing serious and can be easily fixed. However, if the problem persists or if you start seeing other issues (like Coil Gunking), it's always best to consult a professional. Until then, we hope this article helped shed some light on the situation.  Happy vaping!


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